fine for you to explore other options, but if you're not better in six weeks,
you should have the surgery or you'll permanently damage the median
what the hand surgeon told me on after diagnosing me with carpal tunnel in
January of 2016.
words “permanent damage” might make most people agree to surgery for carpal
tunnel right on the spot. There are at least a couple of reasons, however, why
I was reluctant to jump on the surgery bandwagon.
I fell off a ladder in September 2015 and sustained a buckle fracture to that
same wrist (along with a broken metatarsal in the opposite foot—but that’s
another story), I felt no hesitation in undergoing surgery. Not repairing the
splinter of bone jutting off my left radius was unthinkable to me, and though I
am no fan of surgery, we moved forward quickly to surgically insert a metal
plate over the bone. I had really only just recovered from that surgery when I
started experiencing numbness in my middle and index fingers and thumb. But after
having experienced pretty severe postsurgical pain, weeks of occupational
therapy, and six weeks away from work, I was none too eager to have another
addition, from my training as a massage therapist, I remembered that a tight
muscle in the chest or neck area could cause numbness in those same fingers. I
wasn’t convinced, in other words, that I even had carpal tunnel issues.
neither my internist nor the doctor of osteopathy who I consulted for
additional opinions gave much credence to my theory that the numbness might be
caused by something other than carpal tunnel syndrome, both of them suggesting
that I should have the carpal tunnel surgery—this even after the Tinel’s and
Phalen’s sign tests used to help diagnose carpal tunnel were negative. The
doctor of osteopathy responded to my lack of pain upon her administration of
these tests by saying, “Good—that means it’s not very bad yet.” (What, then, is
the point of the tests, I wondered.) She also told me that the numbness I was
experiencing couldn’t be due to the tight scalene muscles in my neck because,
if that were the cause, I’d have numbness or pain all the way down my arm,
which I didn’t.
speculated that my carpal tunnel was caused by scar tissue in the wrist area
from the surgery I’d had the previous autumn. “The surgeon can clean that all
out,” she told me. It was only afterward that it occurred to me that if she was
right that the scar tissue from surgery had caused my problem, wouldn’t having
surgery to clean out the scar tissue only cause more scar tissue?
short, rather than being more convinced to have the surgery after seeing the
doctor of osteopathy, I felt even less inclined to do so. Instead, I kept
reading about nerves and carpal tunnel syndrome, trying to learn more, and
everything I read made me all the more skeptical that surgery was the right way
to go for me.
one thing, I only had some numbness in my fingers. I had zero pain, no loss of
grip strength, no aching in my forearm or elbow, and no stiffness in my
fingers—all symptoms of carpal tunnel. I only had the numbness—so why would I
undergo surgery, with all of the usual risks that any surgery involves (anesthesia
complications, infection, etc.), along with the particular risks of carpal
tunnel surgery? The fact of the matter, of course, is that many people undergo
carpal tunnel surgery with no complications or problems at all and experience
tremendous relief from it.
small percentages of people, following surgery for carpal tunnel, do have
problems, including damage to the median nerve, scar tissue, permanent weakness
in the hand, persistence of the symptoms even after surgery, or a recurrence of
the symptoms at some time in the future. Again, the percentages of people
suffering such problems are small, but why would I want to take those risks
when I had no pain and no loss of function?
the reading I’d done about nerve damage at various reputable medical sites made
it clear that nerves regenerate. The caveat is that nerve regeneration doesn’t
always mean return of function to the area the nerve serves, though I believe
this tends to be a problem more common to instances where the nerve is severed (versus
a nerve that is compressed—as is the case with carpal tunnel syndrome). At any
rate, the Center for Nerve Injury and Paralysis at Washington University says,
“Most often,
symptoms that result from compression of a nerve can be reversed, even in
long-standing cases.”
I wasn’t entirely sure what I should do instead of surgery. Then a friend of
friend suggested a chiropractic physician who practices active release
technique, or ART. According to the ART website, this technique is “a patented, state
of the art soft tissue system/movement-based massage technique that treats
problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and nerves.”
Dr.Ryan Verchota, who practices in Chicago, was the first medical professional I
talked to who didn’t think I needed surgery, as well as the first to give
credence to my suspicion that my chronically tight neck muscles might be
involved in the numbness I was experiencing in my fingers. He proposed a
treatment plan that would address what he diagnosed as a “double crush,” which
is to say, pressure on the nerve at both the carpal tunnel and the neck
muscles. Dr. Verchota informed me that the pressure at more than one site along
a nerve’s pathway can be additive. Pressure at one site alone may not cause any
symptoms yet compression at more than one site simultaneously can “add up” and
cause the presenting symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. When I disclosed that
I’d been told by one doctor that the neck muscles couldn’t be involved as I
didn’t have symptoms of pain and/or numbness the entire length of my arm, he
discounted that assessment, saying that it was indeed possible for an
impingement on the nerve at the neck or shoulder to be experienced only in the
also learned from Dr. Verchota that there is a difference between carpal tunnel
syndrome and carpal tunnel–like symptoms, both of which may present with the exact same
symptoms of pain and/or numbness. In the case of carpal tunnel syndrome, however,
there is direct pressure and nerve entrapment in the wrist, whereas carpal
symptoms can be due to pressure on the median nerve anywhere from the neck down
to the fingers. Clearly, therefore, it is important that a practitioner be able
to differentiate one from the other in order to offer the treatment options best
suited for the individual.
Verchota used a few hands-on techniques in his treatment, including ART on my
neck, shoulders, forearm, and hand. Essentially, he would find a tight spot in one
of those muscles, press on it with his thumb, and then either move or have me
move the muscle away from the point of pressure he was applying. A technique
called nerve flossing was used in conjunction with the ART. Nerve flossing is a
procedure that promotes sliding and gliding of a nerve through all of the
tissues in the body along its pathway. In this case, the median nerve was
stretched and moved through the neck, shoulder, forearm, wrist, and fingers—all
likely places for a double crush to occur.
also used the Graston technique on my surgical scar, as well as on the area
above the scar. Graston technique involves dragging specially designed
stainless steel tools along areas where there is scar tissue or other types of
muscle adhesions. I also began wearing, at night, a wrist brace that holds the
wrist in a neutral position and so prevents the nerve from being further
compressed—figuring that anything that might help was worth trying.
breaking up scar tissue is one of the things that massage can do, and while I
had massaged the area along and around the scar during occupational therapy, I had
ceased doing so once that therapy was over, mistakenly assuming I was “cured.” While
the end of my scar closest to my wrist seemed to be hard and dense, I thought I
was just feeling the metal plate.
Verchota’s work made me realize I could and should be continuing to take an
active role in my own healing process. I began doing myofascial work with my
thumb along the scar—that is, pressing my thumb firmly against the skin and
moving the thumb toward my wrist, creating a sensation of gently pulling on the
skin and on the “sticky” spots (i.e., the adhered tissue) just below the
though, it became apparent that I was also pulling the skin of my thumb away
from the nail! Dr. Verchota suggested that I could probably do much the same
work with a gua sha tool, available relatively inexpensively online. Gua sha, a
traditional Chinese medical treatment, and Graston technique both involve
scraping the skin with a tool. Their intentions and techniques are, however,
different. For one thing, gua sha is ued to improve blood circulation, while
Graston technique is used to break up adhesions in the muscle and promote
mobilization of fascia (connective tissue). A 2014 review of research presented
in the Journal of MultidisciplinaryHealthcare discusses evidence of a correlation between freely moving fascia
and reduction in pain and symptomology, which opens up promising possibilities
for treatment.
am not trained as a practitioner in either gua sha or the Graston technique,
however, and so am no expert. My suspicion, though, is that, once I had
purchased my inexpensive jade gua sha tool, I was using it more like a Graston
tool and as a substitute for the pressure of my thumb, rather than as a tool
for improving blood circulation. For maybe a minute a day, I gently but firmly
pressed and dragged the tool along the scar. More than that would likely have only
increased the inflammation in that area. And my intent was only to make sure
the scar tissue received a little attention every day, between my weekly
appointments with Dr. Verchota.
the first month or so, I noticed almost no difference in the numbness in my
fingers—though my neck muscles were feeling better than they had in months. I
questioned whether I had made the right decision: maybe I should have the
surgery? But Dr. Verchota counseled patience. He firmly believed the work we
were doing would eventually produce results.
then, very slowly, I began to notice the numbness receding from my thumb and
index finger. Eventually, the numbness was growing noticeably less in my middle
finger as well, the first place I’d felt the numbness and where the numbness
was most pronounced. And finally, after three or four months of Dr. Verchota’s
treatments, the wrist brace, and my own work on my wrist, there was no numbness
in my fingers.
don’t know whether any of these three things alone would have done the trick or
whether it was their combination that eliminated my numbness. And I can’t know
for sure whether it was only scar tissue from my wrist surgery that had caused
the problem or whether my tight neck muscles were also a contributing factor.
I do know is that it was worth it to me to investigate other avenues for
resolving the problem before pursuing something as invasive as surgery, with
all of its inherent risks. The route I took to get out of my carpal tunnel
problem cost less money, caused less harm, provided me an opportunity to learn
more about the human body in general and my own body in particular, validated
my belief in the efficacy of alternative and complementary medicines, and
afforded me a personalized and rewarding relationship with a medicial
professional whose raison d’être is not about finding the quickest fix or the
one fix that fits all.
have nothing against surgery per se—witness, for example, my readiness to go
that route when my radius was splintered. But I do think it’s important to do
your research first and not just accept that surgery is the only solution. Not
everyone experiencing one or more symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome would
necessarily find relief following the route I did. But that doesn’t mean there
isn’t another nonsurgical route that
might be just right for them.
Thank you, informative and well-spoken. Lots of value!This is a great article, thanks for the info!
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